Thursday, January 30, 2020

Economics Essay Example for Free

Economics Essay The study of construction, allocation, and expenditure of goods and services has been incorporated in the social science that has been referred as Economics. In the year 1932, one of the economists Lionel Robbins presented a definition of economics that has been appreciated by a number of economic organizations around the globe. Under this definition, the ends and limited means create a connection with each other, which has been observed as a human behavior. Such behavior is studied by a branch of science that has been referred as economics. A notion has been accepted by almost all the economists around the world that the wants and needs of humans cannot be satisfied by the available resources that are scarce as compared with the needs of the human race. However, available resources can be used alternatively, which can result in the reduction and elimination of economic problems. In this regard, when the different choices available to human race for the fulfillment of the wants and demands are studied, the process has been recognized as economics. In addition, various types have been created during the classification of economics, which are as follows: Microeconomics and Macroeconomics †¢ Constructive economics and Normative economics †¢ Conventional economics and Unorthodox economics Our society entails different processes, actors, and relationships that work together for the proper functioning of the economic system, in order to create equilibrium in the demand and supply of the products and services around the globe. Nowadays, religion, politics, law, education, sociology, etc. have incorporated the economic analysis in its fields too, which has changed the perspective of role of economics in present world. Economy As earlier mentioned in the paper, the diverse processes of production, substitution, distribution, and utilization of goods and services results in the conception of a comprehended system of human activities, that has been referred as economy of a particular country or region. In addition, a number of factors are responsible for the composition of economy in a particular country. In this regard, some of the related factors are the scientific advancement that has changed the perspective of an economy. Nowadays, social organizations with respect to geography and ecology have integrated the utilization of economic policies and theories in its activities. In terms of products and services, the progress of a particular country is represented by its economy, which is indicated by its gross domestic product, rate of unemployment, inflation, and several other factors that are associated with the economy. (Parkin, 2004) Greek were the first ones to integrate the word economy in their daily household activities. In economic perspective, the management of economic affairs was referred as economy in the year 1440. Until the nineteenth or twentieth century, concept of a separate economic system of a particular country was not developed, as it is used currently in most parts of the world. Macroeconomics When the study of performance, structure, and behavior of economy and economical factors is considered on a national or regional level, such study has been referred as macroeconomics. The study of macroeconomics has been considered one of the major studies in terms of understanding the economy of a country along with microeconomics that considers the study of similar factors, but on an individual scale. As earlier mentioned, different economy-related functions, such as unemployment rates, GDP, price inflation, etc. are studied aggregately by the macroeconomists. (Wilson, 2003) Moreover, the abovementioned factors create relationships that are explained by the development of different models by the macroeconomists. Some of the detailed factors that are analyzed by the macroeconomists other than usual factors like GDP, unemployment rate, etc. are the international finance, international trade, consumption, national output, etc. On the contrary, the actions and activities of individual persons are primarily focused by the microeconomics. Some of the examples of considered individuals are firms, consumers, etc. (Bofinger, 2001) While there is a broad range of studies in the branch of macroeconomics, the discipline has been represented by two major areas of research. These two areas are quite contrary to each other, as one considers the short-run fluctuations in the national income, and endeavors to understand and analyze the different causes and consequences of the same. On the other hand, the second area has considered the study of economic growth based on long-run fluctuations. In this regard, macroeconomics plays a vital and crucial role in facilitating governments, as well as, large companies to understand the economic flexibility for the investors, as well as, for the different forecasts that result in the fluctuations of the exchange market. Policies In order to stabilize the economy of a county, different economic policies are considered by the government that are implemented and adjusted according to the requirements of a country. By the successful implementation of such policies, different economic shocks like the great depression, inflation, deficit budget, etc. are avoided and reduced by the government. It has been believed by most of the governments that economic stability and growth is continued and maintained by the successful adjustments of these policies. In this regard, two types of strategic policies have been observed for the economic management of a country. The two types of such policies are fiscal policy and the monetary policy. In this paper, we will try to define, discuss, and analyze the role of monetary policy in the economic growth and stability of a country. Moreover, we will try to determine the effects of monetary policy on the different macroeconomic factors that have already been mentioned in the paper. Monetary Policy Since the beginning of economic system in the United States, the monetary policy has played a vital role and crucial role in the sustained growth of economic factors in the country. In the past, gold and tobacco were considered as some of the valuable assets for the barter trade. Subsequently, technological evolution resulted in the value of debit and credit cards that are now being used in different parts of the globe. It has been observed that different sectors associated with human lives have developed with the help of effective policies in the United States. In the past, paper currencies were introduced in the country by the Continental Congress, which was quite an innovative step in the advancement of the monetary system of the country. Moreover, coinage was also introduced in the country by the policymakers that modified the perspective of economic system of the United States. (Clapham, 2007) As earlier mentioned in the paper that significant improvement and advancement has been shown by the monetary system of the United States, which has been possible due to the endeavors of different policymakers responsible for the creation of effective monetary policy in the country. However, the historical facts have shown that the creation of monetary policies has confronted a number of controversies during the early years that used to portray the monetary system as a decentralized system. On the other hand, the monetary system of the United States has now present itself as a more centralized system with some of the very effective monetary policies of all the time. Moreover, some of the other factors are responsible for the slow development of economic system is the specifications of banking power that created many doubts due to monetary policies that used to present a decentralized perspective of the system. Specifically, federal government has played a critical role in the reduction and elimination of abovementioned doubts and confrontations that has lead to the sustained growth of the monetary system of the United States. (Rabin, 2002) Alternatively, the beginning years of the economic system of the United States have been contributed prominently by the critical and vital role of gold. However, the policymakers of monetary policy are giving less significance to the gold assets that used to be one of the major components of the monetary policy in the country. Specifically, the non-existence of gold in the exchange market has resulted in the reduction of its importance. In the previous decades, gold was used as a medium of exchange that has been taken by the credit cards and paper money. In this regard, the functioning of gold in the creation of monetary policies has altered at a greater extent due to the modern and complex economy in the country. In the earlier economic years of the United States, economists were very confused and perplexed in the decision-making related to the creation of different economic policies in the country. At this moment, the framers of the U. S. Constitution played a significant role in the reduction of this confusion. However, some of the framers resulted in arguments that provided little difficulties to these framers. It was observed that the federal government was preferred as the deserving candidate for the monitoring of fiscal and monetary policies, as well as, their implementation in the economic system of the country. Therefore, creation of a centralized system with the abovementioned authority to the federal government was preferred by most of the economists. In this regard, the policymakers considered the creation of a national currency, as well as, a chartered bank that may be the authoritative body for the distribution of such currency in different states of the country. On the other hand, the creation of monetary policy and development of an effective monetary system was slowed down due to some members of policymakers that supported a decentralized monetary system including the provision of powers to individual states in the country. During this period, a wave of argument and rejection was flowed in the country that tensed the situation. However, the majority of the economists and policymakers advocated the Federal government as the only authoritative body for the issuance of paper money in the country, as well as, the only monitoring body related to the implementation of fiscal and monetary policies in the country. (Walsh, 2003) During the Revolutionary War, the mainstream of the policymakers opposed the utilization and supply of paper money in the country. One of the reasons of such arguments was the awful experiences during this war that were confronted by the government. Subsequently, this argument accelerated into higher distress to the government during the year 1775, as the war expenses were out of the reach of government’s budget. In addition, the obstructions by the British forces added the difficulties and limited the alternative ways of controlling the economic condition of the country. In the result, a modification in the monetary policy resulted in the step of Continental Congress that issued around two million dollars of Continental currency in different parts of the country. In detail, more than two hundred million dollars of such currency was issued by the Congress in the short period of only twelve years. (Brue, 2005) During this period, the holders of the abovementioned currency were assured that exchange of gold or silver will be appropriately arranged by the government. However, the government assets were not equipped with such high amount of gold reserves, which resulted in the adverse effects on the economy of the country. (Ursprung, 2004) In the result, the colonies confronted high rate of inflation due to the lack of planning of the Congress during the issuance of the currency. Consequently, destabilization of the economy was observed in the country, and abrupt reduction was observed in the currency. During this phase, situation of uncertainty in the currency was facilitated by the policymakers that advised the declaration of notification of crime, when the exchange of Continental currency was refused by any individual or bank in the country. Subsequently, the policymakers came to a decision that preferred the establishment of Bank of the United States. Once again, some of the policymakers and economists argued the authority of the Congress in terms of allowing the creation of a chartered bank or the issuance and supply of paper money in the country. In the result, the concept of creation of chartered banks took a long time, as long debates were observed in this respect. Conversely, the supply of national currency by the chartered bank of the Federal government was proposed by one of the prominent economists and policy makers, Alexander Hamilton. In the end, Justice John Marhsall declared the legal establishment of the Second Bank of the United States. (Dickinson, 2002) In the year 1913, the Federal Reserve System was established that increased the effectiveness of role of the monetary policies in the country. The reserve banks in different states of the United States were monitored by the abovementioned system. In the result, the Federal Reserve was able to maintain the supply of elastic money in the country. The changing economic conditions of the country created a comparative relationship with the money that has been one of the reasons of its referral as elastic money. In the year 1914, gold certificates, as well as, gold reserves were utilized during the World War I that consequently reduced the value of gold in the country. However, still, many banks in different parts of the globe facilitate international transactions in an effective manner due to the utilization of gold reserves and assets. (Wessels, 2006) As earlier discussed in the paper, gold has not been largely involved in the creation of modern monetary policy in the country. In the year 1968, promise of repayment in gold was cancelled by the United States, which resulted in the controlling of money supply by the Federal Reserve, which was responsible for the creation and adjustments of monetary policy in the country. Relevant measures of money supply have been a usual part of economic debates. Nowadays, money supply has become easy and convenient due to the different options of savings account, credit cards, etc. Moreover, monetary policymakers have provided the opportunities of mutual funds, term deposits, etc. in the broader money supply in the country. Still, implementation and different effects of monetary policy on the macroeconomic factors are considered by the policymakers. It has been observed that considerable effectiveness has been shown by the introduction of restrictive monetary policy. On the other hand, an economic downturn, as well as, reduction in the inflation was observed due to the implementation of monetary brakes during the high inflation period in the 1980s. Therefore, different components of monetary policy play a crucial role in the growth and stability of the economy. In addition, the activities of domestic, as well as, foreign investors are the result of effective monetary policy in the country. Currently, the effective implementation of different monetary policies has played a vital role in the accomplishment of a healthy economic system in the United States. It was discussed in the paper that the policymakers of monetary policy confronted a number of difficulties during the creation of a centralized monetary system in the country. In the past, the paper discussed that gold and silver played a crucial role in the different economic transactions and creation of monetary policies. However, the money supply and the incorporation of central banking has resulted in the low unemployment rate, high gross domestic product, which has created an effective monetary system and continued monetary development in the country. Conclusively, the paper has discussed and analyzed the historical evolution of monetary system of the United States effectively.

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

foolear Role of the Fool in William Shakespeares King Lear Essay

The Role of the Fool in William Shakespeare's King Lear In the play King Lear, by William Shakespeare, there are many intriguing characters. Perhaps the most intriguing of them all is the fool. The fool seems to exist outside the play appearing and disappearing without warning. The fool is, however, a necessary character to the evolution of Lear's character, since he is the personification of truth and reason. The fool serves to show Lear how he is going insane, as well as to attempt to delay this inevitability. The fool also demonstrates to Lear the truths about people around him, and tries to point out what treachery and deceit they wish upon him. When Lear is too far-gone to heed the advice and knowledge of the fool, he vanishes without a trace no longer useful, or needed. Right from the beginning of the play Lear shows sings of insanity. Dividing up his kingdom, for the reasons he stated, may seem to be a wise thing to do. Not trusting Cordelia, however, is a sing of insanity, as she is the only daughter who truly loved him. The fool, throughout the entire time he is i...

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Causes of Macbeths Downfall Essay

Shakespeare’s Macbeth, based on a play written in 1605 explores the life journey of Macbeth as he climbs the ladder of the social hierarchy. Determined to become King, Macbeth will kill any and all that get in his way. Driven by ambition, Macbeth puts his faith in the words and prophecies of three witches after a prediction that Macbeth would gain the new title of Thane of Cawdor. Alongside with ambition, Lady Macbeth, is a key instrument to Macbeths’ ambition to become king, continuously pressuring him, when he fears he has gone too in his schemes for greatness. We can definitely see a well – regarded and loyal soldier of the Scottish army change to a murderous tyrant. His downfall is complete and he is responsible for his fate. It is his ambition, the influence of his wife, Lady Macbeth and the prophesies of the three witches and then his misplaced confidence in his invulnerability that causes his decline. These all contribute to the primary reasons for Macbeth s moral downfall as he climbs the ladder of success. The term ‘moral downfall’ refers to the emotional and social impact as oppose to a physical downfall, which is described as a step back in society, including the loss of money, fortune, family, social life and wellbeing. By succumbing to committing evil acts to achieve his ambition, he basically destroys Macbeths morality, leading to his downfall. Macbeths Ambition In Shakespeare’s Macbeth, ambition is the main theme that the protagonist, Macbeth, possesses. To be ambitious is basically an eager or strong desire to achieve something, such as fame or power. In Macbeth, ambition is a main theme. Macbeth, the protagonist and tragic hero in William Shakespeare’s Macbeth, possesses hamartia. Hamartia, named by Aristotle in Poetics, is a tragic flaw possessed by any tragic hero. Over the course of the play, Macbeth’s ambition grows. He succeeds in murdering Duncan, being named the new king, and ruling the kingdom. As his success grows, so does his ambitious nature. Fearing that the rest of the witches’ prophecy will come true (that Banquo’s sons will be kings), Macbeth decides to murder both him and his son (namely Fleance). Still feeling threatened, Macbeth murders Macduff’s family (to send a message of his power to Macduff). It is evident in the play that this theme exists. We can definitely see that Macbet h uses  his ambition to justify bad and evil actions, whereas most will use it for good. Not only it is seen throughout the course of the play, he’s ambition is revealed by Macbeth in Act 1, Scene 7. As mentioned in lines 25-27, Macbeth says: I have no spur to prick the sides of my intent, but only vaulting ambition, which o’erleaps itself and falls on th’ other. Macbeth, trying to rationalise his impending murder of King Duncan, continues his great â€Å"If it were done† which was a technique incorporated by Shakespeare called a soliloquy. As Macbeth has just explained to himself, there’s no real justification for the crime—Duncan is his relative, a meek and moral man, a good king, and, furthermore, a guest at his castle. All this argues against so bloody a deed, which will appear unjustifiable to mortal and divine eyes alike. Therefore, Macbeth has no â€Å"spur† to prick his intent, which is likened to a wild steed—no motivation to inspire the murder. Continuing the horse metaphor, he can only draw on â€Å"vaulting ambition†: an intense desire for power. His desire vaults even beyond its intrinsic limits (â€Å"oâ€℠¢erleaps itself†) to land on â€Å"th’other† (the other side)—possibly, to land somewhere unknown and beyond reason, as Macbeth regrets that he is motivated only by ambition and not by some more worthy motive. Those propelled by ambition often end up worse than they were before once the deed is done. Through this quote mentioned in Macbeths’ soliloquy in Act 1, Scene 7, it is evident that Macbeth is driven by his ambition to kill for power as his only motivation to gain the crown leading to Macbeths’ moral downfall. Lady Macbeth Alongside with Macbeths’ ambition to become Thane of Cawdor, his wife, Lady Macbeth is another influential being that causes Macbeths downfall. As the lead up to the event of King Duncan’s murder Lady Macbeth tricks Macbeth into killing Duncan by using her cunning and complicated words. She makes Macbeth think that he has to kill Duncan for his benefit. Lady Macbeth deceives him into thinking that only he would gain more power, and it wouldn’t benefit her. Lady Macbeth counters Macbeths’ arguments by saying that he needs to muster up all of his courage, and just follow here directions. Lady Macbeth plans the murder strategies, and influences Macbeth to go along with her strategy. Macbeth doesn’t want to kill a good king for his own ambitions, but is persuaded to do it. From Lady Macbeth persuading  him to kill Duncan, the first evil act he commits, he is drawn into believing the witches’ prophecies, and takes action to make them come true. Through various quotes by Lady Macbeth, it is evident to say that with each other by their sides, was a negative influence to the lead up of Macbeths’ downfall. Lady Macbeth blames her husband for lacking the courage to do the deed, and because Macbeth is a warrior above everything else, her comments manipulate him a good deal. Indeed, â€Å"manliness† is an idea the play interrogates in various ways, such as when Macbeth says â€Å"I dare do all that may become a man who dares do more is none† (1.7.46-47). This is the belief that his wife use against him: â€Å"When you durst do it, then you were a man and to be more than what you were, you would be so much more a man† (1.7.51-53). In short, it is by means of his manhood, fundamental to his belief of himself as warrior, that Lady Macbeth manipulates her husband. Through these quotes, revealed by Lady Macbeth, we can establish that Lady Macbeth was another factor influencing the decision-making of Macbeth, thereby causing his downfall. Three Witches With the influence of Macbeths’ ambition driving him to kill King Duncan as well as Macbeths’ wife, Lady Macbeth, driving him to fulfil his ambition, although there is another factor in Macbeths’ downfall. At the start of the play, the three witches inform Macbeth that he is destined to be king, as they are responsible for the introduction of the ideas that caused Duncan’s death and Macbeth’s destruction but not for Macbeth’s actions themselves. Ultimately the witches represents his fate and symbolise the dark side of humanity and the evilness of these beings, is evident that from the beginning when they meet and choose Macbeth to be their plaything. They live to torture and harass. While they do not physically create the downfall of any human, they do lead the humans to fall by their own demise, by way of misleading illusions. In Act 1, Scene 3 the three witches make a chilling prophecy saying: â€Å"All hail, Macbeth, hail to thee, thane of Cawdor!† and â€Å"All hail, Macbeth, thou shalt be king hereafter!† each revealing Macbeths’ future. In these lines, it is evident that Macbeth thinks about what being king would be like and since he is known as a brave warrior, this causes him to break down even more. This is the other role that they play in the downfall of Macbeth. These predictions by the three  witches soon motivates Macbeth to commit actions of evil and selfishness, which includes the murder of his best friend Banquo and the murders of Macduff’s’ family. By Macbeth becoming over confident we can see he has lost his moral values from becoming a well-liked and respected Scottish Gener al to an evil murderous fool. To conclude, the factors contributing to Macbeths’ moral downfall include his ambition to become King of Scotland by murdering his cousin, King Duncan, and the primary factor which was his wife, Lady Macbeth, that influenced him to commit such immoral acts through the insulting nature Lady Macbeth adopts. Finally, the last factor is the witches’ prophecies which drove Macbeth into believing he will be king and will have all this fame and power. However, he soon realises that he lost more than he received. We can see that Macbeth experienced a moral downfall as oppose to a downfall, which is described as a step back in society, including the loss of money, fortune, family, social life and wellbeing. We can see in Shakespeare’s Macbeth that Macbeth experienced a moral downfall as he climbed the hierarchy only to achieve nothing but hatred and loss of loved ones.

Monday, January 6, 2020

Macbeth Imagery Blood - 1442 Words

Blood Imagery in Macbeth Shakespeare’s plays are well known for the richness of their imagery. This is particularly true in Macbeth and the many allusions to blood. The use of blood imagery gives the reader some foresight into what is going on in the play and how the characters are thinking and feeling. Blood is used to represent heroics on the battlefield, evil and murderous inclinations, and ultimately guilt and shame. Shakespeare uses the symbol of blood to give the readers insight into his characters as they change and are impacted by their choices and actions. This paper will demonstrate how Shakespeare uses the image of blood as a symbol of bravery, guilt and evil citing directly from the text of Macbeth. Act one Scene Two†¦show more content†¦Macbeth goes from being a heroic general in the kings army to an assassin and a tyrant. Through the looking glass Macbeth seems as bloody as he could be, yet at the core he feels unruly guilt Like a child, Macbeth attempts to run away from his pr oblems, yet he has no where to go. He now realizes what he has done is against his own morals, knee deep in guilt, and attempts to figure out his problems with his wife. Blood symbolizes honor and bravery and also guilt and evil. In the beginning of the play blood is represented of honor and bravery and symbolizes good and victory The play starts out with the 3 witches talking about Macbeth. Macbeth is now a great hero because he led the Scottish army to victory. For the recognition of Macbeth’s leadership he becomes Thane of Cawdor. The witches make many predictions to Macbeth and they all come true. Shakespear stated â€Å"For brave Macbeth—well he deserves that name—Disdaining fortune, with his brandished steel,Which smoked with bloody execution†(I,2,16-18). This showed that the Captain truly respects Macbeth and that he is a heroic soldier. Towards the middle of the play blood represented guilt. At this point of the play. A bell trings and Lady Macbeth signals that the chamberlains are asleep so Macbeth strides toward Duncan’s chamber. Macbeth was pressured into killing King Duncan by his wife,Lady Macbeth, and does not feel good about it. Shakespear said â€Å"Will all great NeptunesShow MoreRelatedBlood Imagery in Macbeth857 Words   |  4 Pagesevident as the bloody hands of Macbeth and his obsession with them. Macbeth has killed King Duncan and doesn’t stop there, he kills the guards making Duncan’s sons flee. This gives Macbeth the throne. However he becomes overwhelmed with the guilt. Shakespeare uses blood to show how it reminds Macbeth of the violent acts he has committed and how he has become obsessed with the blood on his hands. Initially the blood represents courage and bravery. For brave Macbeth-well he deserves that name- â€Å"disdainingRead MoreMacbeth - Blood Imagery in Macbeth Essay990 Words   |  4 PagesWilliam Shakespeare wrote the Tragedy of Macbeth in approximately 1606 AD. He loosely based it on a historical event occurring around 1050 AD. Macbeth is the story of a nobleman, who, while trying to fulfill a prophecy told to him by three witches, murders his King to cause his ascension to the throne of Scotland. After the Kings murder, Macbeth reigns as a cruel and ruthless tyrant, who is forced to kill more people to keep control of the throne. Finally, Scottish rebels combined with English forcesRead More Blood Imagery In Macbeth Essay590 Words   |  3 Pages In Shakespeares Macbeth a play, a man named Macbeth goes through a great transformation; Macbeth goes from being a heroic general in the kings army to an assassin and a tyrant. The theme of the play is never give into evil because it de stroys no matter what the benefits are. Blood Imagery is very important in the play; it shows Macbeths evil ambition in the beginning, middle, and end of the play. In the beginning of the play, blood imagery is very important. quot;Till he unseamed him from theRead MoreTheme Of Blood Imagery In Macbeth872 Words   |  4 Pages MACBETH’S FALL INTO EVIL Shakespeare uses imagery to show Macbeth’s fall into evil. Darkness is invariably associated with evil and to a certain extent deception. William Shakespeare employs the imagery of darkness throughout his play of Macbeth. He uses dark images often to describe instruments of disorder and the evils which characters portray. Macbeth is a tragedy that was written by Shakespeare in the Elizabethan Era. In Elizabethan England night air was said to be impure and rheumy and itRead More Blood Imagery in Macbeth Essay1916 Words   |  8 PagesShakespeare’s Macbeth is a story taken from Scottish history and presented to the Scottish king James I. Shakespeare took this gory tale of murderous ambition, however, and transformed it into an imaginative tale of good and evil. Shakespeare brought about this transformation by relying upon â€Å"imaginative verbal vigor† that imbeds itself in the brilliantly concentrated phrases of this literary work. Critics have dubbed it his dar kest work, along with King Lear. In his critique of Shakespeare’s worksRead MoreBlood Imagery in Macbeth Essay1451 Words   |  6 PagesMacbeth is the ultimate story of a fight between the forces of good and evil. It tells the tale of a tragic hero whose quest for power leads to his ultimate downfall. Macbeth starts out as an honorable warrior but changes when his ambition becomes uncontrollable. As he becomes increasingly paranoid, Macbeth uses violent means to eliminate threats to his Scottish throne. As the play progresses, blood continuously plays a part in the events as the murders become more frequent. William ShakespeareRead MoreMacbeth Blood Imagery Essay1924 Words   |  8 Pagesâ€Å"HUGH, YOU ARE GUSHING BLOOD!!!† Our heads spin around to see bright, red blood all over his shoes, feet, and the boat. The sight of blood immediately made my stomach drop and put everyone into an instant frenzy. Blood causes people to react because of the stir of emotion it causes, and the same can be said for imagery. Authors of all types of literature use imagery as a tool to engross their readers and make their senses come alive, specifically Shakespeare. In all of Shakespeare’s work a key instrumentRead MoreTheme Of Blood Imagery In Macbeth1001 Words   |  5 PagesShakespeare’s use of Blood to Represent Guilt â€Å"Guilt is cancer. Guilt will confine you, torture you, destroy you as an artist. Its a black wall. Its a thief† (Dave Grohl, BrainyQuote). In Shakespeares play Macbeth, Shakespeare uses Macbeth’s guilt as a recurring theme. Macbeth is about a man who receives a prophecy from three witches who tell him he will become soon become the king of Scotland. In his quest to become king, Macbeth will do anything, even kill one of his best friends, regardlessRead MoreImagery of Blood, Light and Clothing in Macbeth by William Shakespeare540 Words   |  3 PagesImagery of Blood, Light and Clothing in Macbeth by William Shakespeare Imagery, the art of making images, the product of imagination (Merriam- Webster). Shakespeare uses many forms of imagery in his writing of Macbeth. Three main forms of imagery in this play are blood, light and darkness, and clothing. Within each form of this imagery Shakespeare incorporates symbols that the reader must understand if they are to interpret either the passage or the play as a whole. In Macbeth blood symbolizesRead More bloodmac Shakespeares Macbeth - Images and Imagery of Blood and Sleep922 Words   |  4 PagesBlood and Sleep Imagery in Macbeth  Ã‚   Macbeth screams imagery!   Shakespeare uses imagery of blood and sleep   to create an atmosphere of horror, during the killing of Duncan, which contributes to our sense of Macbeths growing insanity.   Eventually Lady Macbeths final scene is enhanced with the use of blood imagery which reflects her guilt.   Shakespeares use of imagery connects the feeling of horror from audience to play.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Macbeth held such potential for himself. He was