Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Sodium chloride is a very important compound. state the propertied of Essay

Sodium chloride is a very important compound. state the propertied of it and discuss the many products made from it - Essay Example Let us consider each of these aspects in a detailed manner. Salt was used even before the pre-historic period. Animals used to get salt from the various sources in nature and primitive man got his requirement of salt from animal meat. When he turned a cultivator, he found that some salt sources (like sea water) gave his vegetables the salty taste that he used to get on meat (as cited in Later on he learned how salt helped to preserve meat, cure hides and heal wounds. About 4,700 years ago, the Chinese Png-tzao-kan-mu, one of the earliest known writings recorded more than 40 types of salt (as cited in In the British aisles, there have been traces of inland brines from where ancient man made salt. Archaeological evidence is leading to Bronze Age to this age old practice. â€Å"We even know the names of a few of the Roman saltmakers. These are inscribed on some of the lead pans - Viventius, Veluvius and Cunitus. Complete Roman salt pans are in the Salt Museum and at Nantwich Museum. The leaden pans were roughly 90-100cm square by 15cm deep.Roman soldiers were partly paid in salt. It is said to be from this that we get the word soldier - sal dare, meaning to give salt. From the same source we get the word salary, salarium† (as cited in â€Å"Salt is widely distributed in nature. It is found in solution in ocean water in concentrations of about 30 g/liter (about 4.08 oz/gallons) of water, meaning that salt makes up about 3 percent of ocean water by weight. The compound is also distributed throughout many rivers and inland lakes and seas, the concentration varying from 0.002 percent in Mississipi River to 12 percent in the  Great Salt Lake. Salt can occur as a surface crust or layer in swamps and dry lake bottoms, especially in extremely arid regions. The mineral  halite, more commonly known as  rock salt  or  massive

Sunday, February 9, 2020

Marketing News Journal #1 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Marketing News Journal #1 - Essay Example Before looking into the reactions of consumers, it is important to understand market trends in the mobile phone industry. Competitors in this industry engage in fierce advertising and marketing following the development of new and improved phones. A close competitor to Apple is Samsung. Even though there are other major players in the industry, these two firms are known to try to outperform each other in phone technology. A clear example is evident through Samsung’s Galaxy phones and Apple’s iPhones. Ultimately, the consumer is the final decision maker as to which phone better meets one’s tastes, preferences, or interests. As earlier mentioned, iPhone 6 pre-sale bookings were available before the product hit the market. The underlying marketing practices explored consumer interests and anticipations for the product. One major improvement observed in the new product is the size of its screen. Chen (2014) maintains that smartphone users increasingly prefer bigger screens to small ones. In response, Apple would ultimately meet this need alongside Samsung. A comparison of screen sizes show that Apple has had to follow Samsung’s path to try to recapture lost markets that opt for bigger screens (Chen, 2014). In light of the above discussion, it is evident that consumers interests or needs changes from time to time. There are certain consumers who stick to iPhones regardless of their screen size, while others prefer a big size screen regardless of the brand. The common denominator, however, is that business enterprises respond to such scenarios in diverse and dynamic ways. IPhone 6 enthusiasts look forward to an enhanced phone whenever a new one is launched. For others, there is prestige in owning the phone through booking before sale or buying it when it is launched. Whatever the case, consumer behavior plays an influential role in that regard. The market